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Modifying the Swaparoo Smart Contract

To modify the swapWithFee contract so that the fee is doubled, you need to use the parameter governance features provided by the Agoric platform. Here's how you can do it:

Update the contract code to support parameter governance:

  • Import the necessary functions from @agoric/governance/src/contractHelper.js.
  • Define the parameter types for the governed parameters (in this case, Fee).
  • Modify the start function to include handleParamGovernance and get the publicMixin, makeDurableGovernorFacet, and params.
  • Update the publicFacet and creatorFacet to include the publicMixin and makeDurableGovernorFacet.
  • Deploy the updated contract code and start the contract instance.

Set up the committee (electorate) and election manager contracts:

  • Deploy the committee.js contract from @agoric/governance for the electorate.
  • Deploy the econCommitteeCharter.js contract from @agoric/inter-protocol for the election manager.
  • Obtain invitations for the committee members and send them to their smart wallets.

Committee members accept the charter and committee invitations:

  • Each committee member uses their smart wallet to redeem the charter invitation and obtain the capability to put a question using VoteOnParamChange.
  • Each committee member also accepts the committee invitation to obtain the capability to vote.

A committee member puts a question to double the fee:

  • The committee member creates an offer with the necessary offerArgs, including the new fee value (doubled) and the deadline.
  • The offer is made using the VoteOnParamChange capability obtained earlier.

Other committee members vote on the question:

  • Each committee member retrieves the question details from vstorage using the questionHandle.
  • They create an offer to vote on the question using the makeVoteInvitation capability obtained earlier.

Once the deadline is reached and the question carries, the contract governor is notified:

  • The contract governor instructs the swapWithFee contract to change the fee to the new value (doubled).
  • The swapWithFee contract updates its parameters and publishes the changes to vstorage.

By following these steps and utilizing the parameter governance features provided by Agoric, you can modify the swapWithFee contract to double the fee without directly changing the contract code. The changes are made through a governed process involving the committee members and the election manager.